We at Pucked in the Head would like to introduce our new BC Lions correspondent, Sam Anderson. Located on the mighty Twitter at @SamelaAnderson, this football gal represents everything that is right about football fandom. Beer, check. Permasmile, check. Large collection of BC Lions paraphernalia, check. So much enthusiasm you can’t even imagine watching a game without her, check.
Football’s Back!
by Sam Anderson
Ahhh I’m getting so excited! The return of preseason football is the equivalent of Christmas for CFL fans. While I’m bummed that TSN opted not to televise the preseason games this season (BOOOOOOOOOO!), and happy that our boys eked it out vs the Stamps last Friday night, it’s being back in my seat at BC Place that I’m really looking forward to. This Friday night can’t come soon enough.
More, including Grey Cup and Fan Fest reminiscin’, after the jump.