Pucked in the Head had the pleasure of chatting with folks over at the BC Lions about an upcoming fundraiser today. No, I’m not letting the cat out of the bag about the event just yet, so hold your horses — but I thought I’d share with y’all just how freakin’ awesome the BC Lions War Room is. The offices moved from BC Place to the location of the Surrey Practice Facility a few years ago, and I’ve got to say I love what they’ve done with the place.
This is where Wally Buono & Co. hold their strategic meetings for football operations. The mural of the 2011 Grey Cup celebration could have been expected, I suppose, as could have the myriad photos of Lions legends. Note the head shots of guys like Lou Passaglia and Jim Young — he’s the one with the shaggy hair and bushy mustache, and just happened to be the first player I admired as a wee lad.
More after the break.
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